There are many reasons why you might not already have a will. However, the truth is that almost everyone should have a will, even those who do not think they have anything of value to pass on. As pointed out by AARP, if you died from injuries sustained in an accident...
Helping You
Find Peace Of Mind
Year: 2018
Benefits of health care surrogates and durable powers of attorney
Many families across the United States face the devastating diagnosis of terminal cancers or the catastrophic effects of debilitating car crashes. Yet thinking about your assets and medical care if you are injured or fall ill proves difficult. Especially as we age, it...
Warning Signs for Elder Abuse
In 2014, people aged 65 or older made up approximately 14.5% of the total population of the United States. In the next sixteen years, people aged 65 years or older are expected to outnumber the under-18 population. As the Senior population continues to grow, we need...
Protecting Disabled Beneficiaries
A recent study from the Institute on Disability in New Hampshire reported that in 2015, approximately 10% of the adult population under 65 was disabled. Although those statistics are the median for the United States as a whole, in some places those statistics may be...
FAQs on the UCCJEA
Q: If the other parent and I live in different states, how do we know where to file our custody case?A: The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, most often simply referred to as the UCCJEA, determines the state that you must file in. If the child...
As of 2017, 5.4 million Americans have Alzheimer's or another form of dementia. That equates to about one in 8 seniors. Alzheimer's is now the 6th leading cause of death in our country, raising concerns about caring for these individuals as baby boomers continue to...
Grandparent Visitation Rights
Family situations are increasingly complicated in our society. One common situation that occurs is when, because of a variety of situations, grandparents are not allowed to visit their grandchildren.Grandparents in this situation often feel like they have no options...
4 Tips to a “Successful” Doctor’s Visit
Going to the doctor is one of those necessary evils in life that we all need to do from time to time. While it's never something one looks forward to, there are a few tips to making the visit beneficial-to both you and your doctor. And while going to the doctor is...
Blood pressure is often referred to as the "silent killer." For about 75 million Americans-1 out of every 3-it is a daily fact of life ( recently heard a story of an older lady who was visiting out of town relatives, and was observed by a family member who...
Chapter 7 vs. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Financial strain can be unexpected, hitting people at the most vulnerable times in their lives: after a birth of a child, the death of a loved one, or even after an serious health complication. Other times, trouble is brewing over years and missed payments have been...