When you eat at restaurants, you probably would never dream of trying to negotiate the bill after receiving it. If you enjoyed the meal, this is especially true. Hospitalization and medical treatments, though, are significantly different than steak and potatoes. In...
Helping You
Find Peace Of Mind
Year: 2021
Estate planning considerations for blended families
It is important that they take steps to establish a will or trust. Some special considerations may need to go into coordinating an estate plan for a blended family. Planning ahead enables family members to avoid several potential negative ramifications of probate. It...
What kind of asset protection would be best for your family?
Over the years, you may have accumulated significant assets. Even if you only have modest holdings, you want to protect them as well as you can. Trusts can provide you with asset protection. However, depending on your circumstances, you might also consider creating a...
Bankruptcy could be beneficial as you approach retirement
As you get older, you may want to start planning for your retirement. Looking at your finances, you may find that you cannot retire easily with the amount of debt you currently have. In that position, you have a few options, such as paying down what you owe,...